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"HR Knowledge Series" (Gwalior Chapter) conducted on 27th & 28th August “

HT- Shine conducted a two day HR knowledge Series on ITM University, Gwalior campus to discuss prominent issues in HR and to awaken students for the same. On the first day, the panel discussion was conducted in which top HR managers presented their views on a very important topic- “skills v/s talent”. The panelists were Mr. Vats, Vice president & Head HR, Voyant, Mr. Rakesh Seth, Senior Vice President- HR, Fedders Lloyd Corporation Ltd., Mr. Vikas Singh Baghel, HR Manager, HCL Technology, Ms. Kirti Raj -Manager HR, Federal Express (India) Pvt Ltd., Ms. Niti Gupta DGM, HR, Den Network Ltd. The whole program was moderated by HT Media’s GM (HR) Mr. Rajeshwar Mukhopadhyay who intervened properly and gave his important insights on the whole discussion.

The panelists gave impetus on the importance of skill development in younger workforce. They mentioned that there is a huge skill gap in an industry which is emerging as a serious problem. They discussed that talent is something extrinsic but it can be developed into skill with proper training and education. They stressed on the growing importance of academic-industry collaboration for skill development of students as per industry needs.The panel motivated students to focus on skill improvement and lifelong learning.

On second day the panelists were Mr. V B Lal Head Admin Services, Moser Baer Ltd, Mr. V NandKishor, Manager HR, Lanco Infratech Ltd, Mr. Ashwini Gupta General Manager- HR(Group), ACB India Ltd, Mr. Ajeet Singh DGM-P &V, RITES Ltd , Mr. Raj Chauhan Regional Head- HR, Cushman & WakeField.

The second day topic for the panel discussion was “qualification v/s aptitude”. The HR managers focused on the importance of required qualification but they believed that presence of right aptitude makes a lot of difference.

During the two day series, all dignitaries including the Vice chancellor of ITM University, Gwalior, Prof. Yogesh Upadhyay, Dean School of Business, Prof. Gita Narahari were also present. Prof. Upadhyay focused on the importance of right kind of attitude that would help students in giving meaningful direction to their life. The two day programme was successfully attended by a huge number of students and faculty members.

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