ITM University Gwalior is pleased to announce 'INNOSERVE 2014', International Conference on Innovations in Services: Strategies for Global Business Excellence which will be held at ITM University Gwalior Campus, Madhya Pradesh, India from Monday, January 13 through Wednesday, January 15, 2014. A doctoral consortium will be held during the day on January 14. The conference registration and the opening reception will be held on January 13, with presentations from Monday 13 to Wednesday, January 15, 2014. A pre-conference workshop on Research Methodology will be held on January 12, 2014.
In the 21st century, companies have to excel in their business practices in order to compete in global markets. Business excellence is the application of quality management strategies, techniques and tools to achieve the world-class performance in managing business. Innovation in service industries is a new or significantly improved concept that is taken into practice. It can be for example a new customer interaction channel, a distribution system or a technological concept, strategy for global business excellence or a combination of them. A service innovation benefits both the service producer and customers and it improves its developer's competitive edge and business excellence. Innovations in service industries can also be, new solutions in the customer interface, new distribution methods, novel application of technology in the service process, new forms of operation with the supply chain or new ways to organize, manage services and strategy for global business excellence.
The objectives of the conference are -
•To provide a special forum to discuss research on "Innovations in Services: Strategies for Global Business Excellence"
•To facilitate sharing research based knowledge among academicians and practitioners.
This will be achieved through multi-disciplinary research based idea generation and discussion. The attempt is to bring about richness in discussion by encouraging contributions from researchers across academic institutions and industry worldwide.